Trauma Denial: What if No One Believes Me?

A common issue that many of my clients’ face is that they are worried that no one believes their trauma happened.

This ranges from not disclosing for fear of not being believed to having other gaslight or flat-out deny that trauma happened. It is incredibly distressing when the trauma you experienced is minimized or dismissed. Having your experiences, memories, and personal history questioned often increases trauma symptoms and can add layers of guilt, shame, and confusion for clients that needed support in the first place.

Will EMDR Work if No One Believes You?

The good news is that EMDR therapy will work even if no one else is willing to agree to your truth. Another important thing to keep in mind is that as the EMDR therapist, it’s my job to validate and believe you. Your experience and memories are the only ones that are my concern in your treatment, and I believe you and your brain when it provides me information about the trauma you experienced. 

In EMDR therapy intensives, we create a safe and supportive space where your experiences are acknowledged, validated, and respected. The way I provide EMDR therapy recognizes the importance of validating your experiences as a crucial part of the healing process. Your perception and interpretation of events are essential, regardless of others' beliefs or reactions. In therapy, we focus on your internal experiences, emotions, and the impact those experiences have had on your well-being.

Using EMDR to Address Your Distress

Through the EMDR process, we work together to address the distressing memories, negative beliefs, and emotions associated with your traumatic experiences. This process enables you to reprocess those memories and create new, healthier perspectives and beliefs about yourself. It empowers you to trust your own perceptions and recognize the validity of your experiences, even if others may not understand or acknowledge them. 

The purpose of EMDR therapy is to support your healing and well-being as an individual. The therapeutic process is centered around your unique needs, feelings, and goals. Your experiences are an integral part of that process, and they will be honored and validated throughout your therapy journey.


EMDR’s Impact on Our Relationships


How I Started Doing Adjunctive, Intensive EMDR