Can EMDR Therapy Really Help You?

So often as an EMDR and trauma therapist I hear one of a few things from potential clients:

“It feels weird and wrong to seek out treatment for what I’m going through – what happened wasn’t that bad.”

“So many others have had it worse than me.”

“I don’t feel like I should be struggling based on what I experienced”.

And my personal favorite:

“I don’t want to take space on your caseload from someone who needs it more!”.

If you would be the type of client to share this sentiment with me, I’d thank you for sharing your concerns with me and I’d try to reassure you that it's completely understandable to have those feelings of guilt or a sense that others have had it worse. However, it's important to remember that your experiences and the impact they have had on you are valid and deserving of attention and healing.

Your EMDR Journey is Going to be Unique

In EMDR therapy, we honor each person's unique journey and the specific ways their experiences have shaped their lives. Comparing your trauma to others' doesn’t allow you to validate your pain or experiences. As a trauma therapist, I recognize that desire not to have trauma as a way to try to strong-arm one’s way out of trauma, but we don’t get better by avoiding feelings – ever. It's not a matter of determining whose trauma is worse or minimizing your own experiences because what matters most is recognizing the impact your experiences have had on you and working towards your own healing and well-being.

EMDR therapy is designed to address the specific distressing memories, emotions, and beliefs that are affecting you personally. It is a client-centered approach that focuses on trauma, we can help alleviate the emotional burden you may be carrying and create positive changes in your life. Remember that seeking treatment isn’t about comparing or measuring your trauma against other peoples'. It's about recognizing the impact it has had on you and taking the necessary steps to heal and move forward for your unique circumstances. 

Your journey towards healing is valid and deserving, regardless of the magnitude of your experiences. It’s never my job to rank your experiences against anyone else’s as your therapist. It’s my job to be a compassionate witness to the parts of you that felt vulnerable, scared, broken, or defective and help you show them that they are safe, loved, and deserving of what they needed in that moment.

Engaging in EMDR Therapy

By engaging in EMDR therapy, we can work together to identify the specific targets that are causing distress in your life. We will address the underlying negative beliefs and emotions associated with those memories and help you develop healthier coping strategies and a stronger sense of self. EMDR therapy can be a transformative process that empowers you to overcome the challenges you're facing and find greater peace, resilience, and well-being.

Please know that you are not alone in having these thoughts and concerns, and the things that cause you pain are worth healing. Many individuals struggle with similar feelings when seeking therapy. It's essential to keep in mind that your healing journey is unique to you, and by seeking support, you are taking a brave and courageous step towards a healthier and happier life.

If you decide to proceed with EMDR therapy, we will work collaboratively to create a safe and non-judgmental space where you can explore your experiences and begin the healing process. Your well-being is my utmost priority, and my job is to support you every step of the way.


IFS & EMDR - A Powerful Combination for Healing


Masking After Trauma